Monday, September 30, 2019

How does Coleridge tell the story in part 1 of Rime of the Ancient Mariner? Essay

As part 1 is the first of all parts in Coleridge’s Rime of the Ancient Mariner, we are introduced to the characters in the poem and Coleridge establishes the setting of the poem. ‘It is an ancient Mariner†¦he stoppeth one of three. ’ The impersonal pronoun of ‘it’ suggests that this Mariner may not be human, however there is a change in pronoun with ‘he’, implying a liminal state of the Mariner; he is somewhere in between being supernatural and mortality, reinforced by the word, ‘ancient’. Coleridge’s use of archaic language is used to take the reader back in time to a bygone era, as well as acting as an indicator of setting. The Wedding Guest describes the Mariner in an other-worldly way, having a ‘long grey beard and glittering eye’; both the beard and the singular glittering eye possess connotations of wizardry and reinforce the idea that the Mariner may be a supernatural being. Coleridge creates a number of contrasts between the 1st and 2nd stanzas. The 2nd stanza is used to represent a ‘normal’ world, a world that the Mariner can never be a part of. In the stanza, ‘the Bridegroom’s doors are opened wide’, the word, ‘wide’, is juxtaposed by the Mariner’s unnatural obstruction to the Guest in the previous stanza, as well as to the potential story of the wedding. There is also a contrast between the tones of the stanzas, the atmosphere in the 1st stanza is particularly eerie, but we are presented with an upbeat tone and pace in the 2nd stanza, demonstrated through Coleridge’s use of internal rhyme, ‘the guests are met, the feast is set’. The festive imagery emphasises the upbeat nature of the stanza, ‘feast’, and ‘merry’. The 3rd and 4th stanzas are used by Coleridge to illustrate the extent of power that the Mariner has over the Guest. The Mariner ‘holds him with his skinny hand’, here, the Mariner has been able to physically obtain him against his will. The Mariner fails to answer the Guest’s question in the 1st stanza and begins, ‘there was a ship,’ here, this particular narrative gap creates suspense, adding to the poem’s tension. The Guest is unhappy and conveys his pain and anger through imperative sentence structure, ‘hold off! unhand me. ’ The structural device of exclamation also emphasises the pain felt by the Guest. We see Coleridge’s use of repetition in the 4th stanza, ‘he holds him with his glittering eye’, but this time instead of the Mariner’s hand; it’s his singular eye that is compelling the Guest to listen against his own will, suggesting that the Mariner possesses supernatural powers. The simile used by Coleridge, ‘listens like a three years child’, helps to highlight the true extent of the Guest’s vulnerability now that the Mariner has successfully transfixed him and ‘hath his will’, despite the fact that the Guest previously had more control over the Mariner; ‘his hand dropt he. ’ The Mariner’s begins his ‘rime’ in the 6th and 7th stanzas positively, using internal rhyme to create an upbeat rhythm and a more positive mood after the previous eerie stanzas, ‘the ship was cheered, the harbour cleared’. The imagery of security is what they are moving away from, creating a sense of foreboding. The sound created by the internal rhyme almost sounds crafted, helping to reflect the Mariner’s sense of familiarity with these objects associated with his home, ‘kirk’, ‘hill’, and the ‘light-house top’. The Mariner’s familiarity is emphasised by the anaphora, ‘before’. Coleridge uses further internal rhyme, ‘he shone bright, and on the right’, in order to maintain the positive mood and the upbeat rhythm. Coleridge also personifies the sun, perhaps to foreshadow the immense power of the sun that appears later on in the Mariner’s story. The consistent movement of the personified sun helps to indicate the passing of time within the story being told by the Mariner. The 8th, 9th and 10th stanzas act as a narrative break to the Mariner’s story, reminding the reader that a story within a story is being told. The story is interrupted by ‘the Wedding-Guest here beat[ing] his breast’; the animalistic imagery reflects the Guest’s primitive instincts to flee the Mariner’s grip, as well as his general frustration. This action from the Guest is in response to ‘the loud bassoon,’ creating a contrast between the mystical elements of the Mariner and the celebratory and festive event that the Guest is trying to be a part of. We see what the Guest is missing out on, ‘the bride†¦red as a rose is she’, although this simile is seemingly conventional, with closer inspection we are able to see that the bride is fully red, not just her lips, reflecting her full vibrancy, contrasted with the Mariner’s ‘skinny hand’. The wedding almost acts as a narrative backdrop; it demonstrates the joyous occasion that both the Guest and the Mariner are not a part of and serves to spotlight the tragic story that’s being told by the Mariner. Coleridge’s use of repetition, ‘he beat his breast’, is suggestive of the Mariner’s hypnotic ways and the guest’s continuous attempts to escape the grip of the Mariner. In the 11th, 12th, 13th, 14th and 15th stanzas, the Mariner heavily depicts the weather and the environment. The capitalisation of ‘Storm’ is used to create a visual representation, and his use of personification, ‘he’, reflects the storm’s severity and power. He reinforces this idea by using predatory language, ‘his o’ertaking wings†¦chased us’, the storm is presented as some sort of dark, higher power. In the 12th stanza, Coleridge deviates from the traditional folk-ballad form, demonstrating the chaos at this particular point, as well as the Mariner’s heightened emotions. Coleridge reinforces the storm’s aggression through the use of onomatopoeic language, ‘roared’ and ‘blast’. In the 13th stanza, Coleridge returns to the traditional ballad structure to mark a sense of restored order now that the storm has stopped. ‘And now there came both mist and snow, and it grew wondrous cold’, the use of present tense, ‘now’, allows a shock for the reader, building tension. The use of assonance, ‘wondrous cold’, and short clauses forces the reader to pause and slow down, hindering the pace of the stanza, and therefore creating a contrast between the previous fast-moving and chaotic stanzas. The simile, ‘ice†¦as green as emerald’, marks the beginning of the Mariner and his ship’s problems; the green ice is peculiar and mysterious and hints at the supernatural. The Mariner describes the effects of the snow, ‘the snowy clifts did send a dismal sheen’, as ‘dismal’ possesses connotations with misery, and ‘sheen’ with impaired vision, the grouping of them creates a sense that there is no escape and no life wherever they are. These conditions are then emphasised through the personification of ice, ‘it cracked and growled, and roared and howled’, and the onomatopoeic language helps to show the possibly fatal effects of the ice. The anaphora, ‘the ice’, as well as the repetition reinforce this idea, and illustrate the true amount of ice they are surrounded by. In the final stanzas, we see the emergence of the Albatross, ‘at length did cross an Albatross, thorough the fog it came. ’ The capitalisation of ‘Albatross’ reflects his importance, as he is the only form of life that the ship can see. He emerges as a good omen from the ‘fog’, the fog having connotations of mystery and darkness, symbolising a newfound sense of hope, as the bird is like a gift sent from God. The religious lexical fields, ‘God’s name’, ‘hail’, ‘Christian soul’, reflect the Mariner’s gratitude towards God who he believes is responsible for the Albatross’ appearance. The internal rhyme, ‘cross’ and ‘Albatross’, conveys the uplifted mood of the Mariner now that the Albatross has apparently rescued their ship, ‘the ice did split’ and ‘a good south wind sprung up behind’. Further internal rhyme reinforces the upbeat mood of the Mariner, ‘the Albatross did follow, and every day, for food or play’, he is presented as almost anthropomorphic; he’s like an angel. The semantic fields about goodness and religion suggest that Coleridge’s poem is coming to an end, or at least leading in a different direction. Indeed, the story is quite upbeat until the mention of ‘moon-shine’, as moon often signifies near or distant change, a sense of foreboding is created. Perhaps the Guest realises this too, as the hyphen may represent another attempt to get away from the Mariner, or the Guest’s realisation that the Mariner is disturbed, ‘Why look’st thou so? †Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬Å"With my cross-bow I shot the Albatross’. The enjambment in the line helps to emphasise both the reader and the Guest’s honest reaction of shock. Coleridge ends part 1 with a cliff-hanger in order to create suspense in the poem, as well as a sense of mystery.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Five Goals of Punishment Essay

The five traditional goals of punishment are the following retribution, deterrence, rehabilitation, restoration and incapacitation. Each of these punishments reflects features of criminal punishment. In the retribution goal the punishment is imposed by a sentencing judge. It is intentionally given as way to get back at the offender and offer some closure to the victim. The offender is given notice and an attorney is made available. The punishment to the offense is thought to be equal to the offense. Punishment is imposed to the offender in the form of a fine, imprisonment or probation. As a result the offender can spend a good part of their life in prison. Penalties are not sought for their own sake, because this is not the era of retribution; rather they are meant to be corrective by being conducive either to the reform of the sinner or to the good of society, which becomes more peaceful through the punishment of sinners (Mahoney, 2007). Deterrence is used as a tool to prevent others from committing similar crimes. The sentencing judge overemphasized protection of the public, denunciation and deterrence (Thomas, 2007). In this case the judge will imposed sentence and make it clear for others to see that if they do the crime, they will also have to do the time. The principal sentencing purpose in vigilante justice cases like this must be general deterrence. While the prisoner may have learned his lesson, other people out there need to learn the lesson that the justice system is the proper forum for people taking responsibility for what they have done† (Herald, 2007). Punishment will for the most part be equitable to others who committed. It is not imposed on the person who committed the crime it is aim to others who are thinking on committing a similar crime. The Rehabilitations goal is to reform the criminal offender the punishment is imposed by a judge who believes this person can be rehabilitated. The idea behind rehabilitation programs that impact on criminals live in positive ways. (For example) they have residential programs that help to shelter runaways and spend time turning their lives around. In terms of issues, whatever crime they committed, the intake screener has to evaluate it  properly (Hoping to, 2008). Punishment is imposed on the offender as an opportunity to turn their life around. In this case the punishment can provide a pleasant result if successful. The Restoration goal is to make the offender and the victim whole again. The punishment is imposed by a sentencing judge. The punishment is imposed according to the offense in most cases it consists of fines, restitution and community service. This program involves a two-pronged approach: law-enforcement agencies and prosecutors cooperate in â€Å"weeding out† violent criminals, and public agencies and community-based private organizations collaborate to â€Å"seed† human services and restoration programs (Kay, 2008). The punishment is imposed to the offender in some cases they are order to pay installments to the victim. In this case the punishment can result unpleasant depending on the attitude of the offender. The incapacitation goal is to prevent the offender from committing future offenses. By incarcerating the offender they reduce the likelihood of a reoccurring offense. Punishment is imposed on the offender who committed the criminal offense. Jail or prison definitely provides an unpleasant consequence. Refereence Herald, S. (2007). Prison sentence for Fairlie man :[2 Edition]. Timaru Herald,p. 5. Retrieved from ProQuest Newsstand database. HOPING TO TURN LIVES AROUND Series: TIMES STAFF WRITER :[SOUTH PINELLAS Edition]. (2008). St. Petersburg Times,p. 3B. Retrieved from Business Dateline databaseKay, L. (2008). JPD harvesting fruits of labor. McClatchy – Tribune Business News. Retrieved from Business Dateline database. Mahoney, J (2007). Putting the death penalty to rest ; How religion shapes our opposition to capital punishment. The Record,,p. O01. Retrieved from Business Dateline databaseThomas, M (2007). Reduced sentence for man behind string of robberies :[Final Edition]. Coquitlam Now,p. 10. Retrieved from Canadian Newsstand Core database.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Financial Check Up Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Financial Check Up - Essay Example First worksheet entry reflects money I used to fuel my car. I used $100 in every week to fuel my car. For one month, I spent $400 dollars to fuel my car. This is equivalent to 8% of my monthly income. The second worksheet entry shows the amount of money I used to go for a movie show for a single month. To go for Movie Theater to watch a movie, I spent $20. This was part of my entertainment expenses equivalent to 0.4% of my income. According to Gibson (145-189), financial tracking sheet maintain a record of individual’s financial progress. It reflects individual decisions before they complete a budget, fulfill diverse distribution demands and meet their main requirements (Gibson, pp145-189). From my spreadsheet, there were only nine entries for a whole month. Each entry showed some financial decisions I made for the whole month. The spreadsheet give information like the date I spent, the amount of money I spent, amount of income, category of the event and description of the event. The tracking sheet measured my financial performance over the one-month financial duration. To find expense statement, I determined how I acquire cash and sustain some in the pocket amidst expenses. My overall expenses amounted to $2545 and my income was $5000. The tracking sheet displays my new worth statement; it displays my underlying money, liabilities and the net worth after subtracting cash from liabilities (Gibson, 145-189). After adding my expenses ($2545), and subtracting it from my income ($5000), my net worth was $2455. Financial ratios are useful determiners of financial condition. They reveal my financial strengths and weakness. The liquidity ratios (1.96464) measured the presence of cash to settle debts. Since it is greater than one, I could easily meet my debts. The debts ratios measure my ability to repay the long-term debts. For this case, I did not have any debt. The profitability

Friday, September 27, 2019

Applying Theory to Practice Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Applying Theory to Practice - Essay Example Applying Theory to Practice Globally the nursing profession was facing a great number of problems in patients. Pain was just one of the many complaints but it was a significant and widespread one. Pain was a physiological complaint which distressed patients by the unpleasant sensation with affective experience (Peterson and Bedrow, 2008). In spite of pain assessment, appropriate management, evaluatory monitoring and educational research having been included in important guidelines like those from the Joint Commission and the National Guidelines ClearingHouse, the under-treatment and negligent management of acute and chronic pain were still evident (Bines and Paice, 2005). The words of Gillaspie (2010) conveyed the depth of the problem: â€Å"The delivery of effective pain management has become a pressing national issue in healthcare†. Patients had a right to be managed for pain relief (Zalon, 2008). The problem of pain management has thereby been identified by me as my practic e problem. The nursing profession has several theories by which the problems in patient care were managed. Similarly I would be employing a theory to execute effective pain management in my hospital. The theory would be logical for application and concurrent with observations made daily. It would be similar to those previously used in successful programs. Past research would have supported this theory (Croyle, 2005). It would contain the highlights of the nursing profession. Foundations for nursing practice would be made. Generation of better knowledge would be remembered. The direction into which the nursing profession was to develop would be indicated. Patient care would be made better, professional growth would be enhanced, interpersonal communications among the nurses would be motivated for improvement, and guidance would evolve for education and research. The multidisciplinary approach to health care would be targeted. Criteria which improved the quality of care would continuou sly be identified. Middle-range theories promoted nursing practice by helping to understand the behavior of the client, suggesting useful interventions and offering credible explanations for the efficacy of the interventions (Peterson and Bedrow, 2008). The practice theory could be built up from the critical reflection of experiences. The purpose of the paper is to identify a middle range theory for my selected practice problem of management of pain and then use a borrowed theory to manage the same symptom of pain. Rationale for selection The commonest reason for patients seeking help from nurses was pain. The unpleasant sensation could cause the patient to even lose consciousness. The overwhelming effect could produce long-term adversities (Peterson and Bedrow, 2008). Wound healing became delayed and the immune system lost its activity. Metastasis of tumor cells could also occur. Acute pain was noticed in wounds or injuries, following surgery, in labor and in sickle cell crisis. Ch ronic pain was evident in skeletal muscle illnesses and gastrointestinal conditions. Hospital procedures like lumbar puncture, venipuncture and removal of chest tubes were accompanied by pain (Peterson and Bedrow). Infants suffered from pain in critically ill conditions or when close to death. The enormous extent of pain faced by the nursing profession was an indication for nurses to learn all the methods of relieving it. Clinical pain had a holistic and emotional

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Leadership Lessons from Abraham Lincoln Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Leadership Lessons from Abraham Lincoln - Article Example This article was published in the April 2009 issue of Harvard Business Review. The article includes an interview conducted between the author of the article and Doris Kearns Goodwin, who is the author of a 2005 bestseller book. The author has developed the interview by asking various questions relating to how President Abraham Lincoln was the best president America has ever seen and what made him develop such good qualities of leadership. Goodwin has also replied quite well to the questions asked and has quoted various examples along with presenting similarities and the dissimilarities between Abraham Lincoln and President Obama. The article is based on a number of insights, the basic one being that the lessons of leadership that were learned from Abraham Lincoln can not only be applied to the political viewpoint but also has the capacity to be utilized in other fields of life. Goodwin brings to the audience’s attention that both the former and current presidents always prefer those people who are best at what they do regardless of their dislikes towards the president himself. The basic purpose of choosing such colleagues was to work with people who had the ability to disagree and argue with the president at times when he was considered wrong. The next key concept that has been discussed in the interview is that even though the colleagues question our decisions and thinking regarding the situation, at the end of the day it is the leader who has to make the decisions and stand firm on that decision. The author quotes an example regarding the abolishment of slavery in the United States where many cabinet members opposed Lincoln but he made his decisions on what he felt was right. The author talks about other characteristics of Abraham Lincoln such as his emotional intelligence, which allowed him to learn from his mistakes, his charisma that made him loved by all even his competitors and

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Reed Solomon Code Applications Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Reed Solomon Code Applications - Essay Example The applications of Reed Solomon codes are mainly obtained in data storage and digital communications. The following major applications can be listed for Reed Solomon codes –†¢ Data Storage – In case of both CDs, and DVDs, it is possible to apply codes for correction of errors and measure the raw errors before correcting them. The application is in holographic data storage or optical storage and the two major schemes that are applicable include Cross-Interleaved Reed-Solomon Code (CIRC) for CDs and a Reed-Solomon Product Code (RS-PC) for DVDs. Each bit of data is considered for a firm decision by both these codes to understand if the bit is 1 or 0. Following this, the correction scheme of the codes can fix the errors in the data storage devices (Curtis et al, 2011).  The application is most effective in cases where error occurs in bursts. Reed Solomon codes are capable of correcting up to 2 byte errors per 32 byte block. Up to 4000 bits of error bursts can be cor rected by CIRC as a result of the features and applications of the codes.  Ã¢â‚¬ ¢ Data Transmission – Reed Solomon codes can be used in several applications for the purpose of transmission of data. Data can be transmitted from the receiver to the transmitter. The applications include transmission systems for mobile data, and for highly reliable military systems of communications. There are specialized forms of RS codes enabling data transmission, such as Caucy-RS and Vandermonde-RS where the code performing the task is an RS(n,k) code.

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Integration of marketing communications has been a hot topic for the Essay - 1

Integration of marketing communications has been a hot topic for the past 25 years - Essay Example ntrast to views of IMC as nothing other than an inconsequential fad whose popularity is predicated on media hype rather than on its realised, or potential, contribution to marketing communications. Focusing on this debate, this research will begin by defining IMC, following from which it will critically analyse both sides of the issue, ultimately arguing for the long-term value and importance of IMC. â€Å"Integrated communications are like a band. The different communications instruments - advertising, public relations, database marketing, media specialists, sponsorship, interactive, event marketing and the rest - are like different musical instruments: piano, trumpet, trombone, violin, clarinet, percussion and the rest† (Fletcher, 1998, p. 22). Other terms that have been used to describe IMC are â€Å"one-stop shopping,† â€Å"orchestration,† â€Å"seamless communication,† â€Å"whole egg,† and â€Å"the new advertising† (Duncan & Everett, 1993, p. 30). These terms signify the integration of specialized communications functions that previously have operated with various degrees of autonomy. Duncan and Everett argue that the basic concept of IMC is synergy, in which the individual efforts are mutually reinforcing with the resulting effect being greater than if each functional area had selected its own targets, chosen its own message strategy, and set its own media schedule and timing (Duncan & Everett, 1993). Proceeding from the stated, Duncan and Everett (1993) define IMC as â€Å"the strategic coordination of all messages and media used by an organisation to influence its perceived brand value† (p. 35). In comparison, Schultz, Tannenbaum, and Lauterborn (1993) define IMC as  "a new way of looking at the whole, where once we only saw parts such as advertising, public relations, sales promotion, purchasing, employee communications, and so forth. Its realigning communications to look at it the way the customer sees it - as a flow of information from

Monday, September 23, 2019

Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 200

Assignment Example The jobs are different, but it can be regulated with the length of the working day. He also stated about the importance of money elimination offering another way of compensation: â€Å"a credit corresponding to [a citizens] share of the annual product of the nation is given to every citizen on the public books at the beginning of each year† (Bellamy, p. 72). 3. As Bellamy defends equality, he would also defend the equal rights for women. He proposes to pay attention to the things, which were neglected in our past: "let but the famine-stricken nation assume the function it had neglected, and regulate for the common good the course of the life-giving stream, and the earth would bloom like one garden, and none of its children lack any good thing" (pp. 216-217). 4. The very important thing Bellamy missed is the lack of explanation of how the people could be equal if ones are job givers, who benefit from their own efforts made in the past, and others are employees. â€Å"Credit card issued him with which he procures at the problic storehouses, found in every community, whatever he desires whenever he desires it† (Bellamy, p. 73). The achievements of people are different so they have a different

Sunday, September 22, 2019

The Outside of the Solar System Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

The Outside of the Solar System - Essay Example M91 has long been considered as a â€Å"missing† object and astronomers and historians hypothesized that it might be the NGC 4571, a passing comet, or a duplicate observation of M58. It was William C. Williams, an amateur astronomer from Texas, who found out that NGC 4548 fit Messier’s description and position for M91 and should be applied for M88 and not for M58 (French, 57).  In addition, galaxies such as NGC 4516, IC 3476, and NGC 4571, were also described in the article. NGC 4516 is a little galaxy which is located 8’ north of an imaginary line connecting M88 and M91. It has a very small glow elongated north-south and a small core with a distinct nucleus at the center of a shallow S curve. IC 3476 is an intriguing galaxy that rests 4.4†² east of the northern star, displays a lumpy brightness distribution and peculiar shape, and a relatively large, blotchy, bright area wide end. It surprised astronomers with a super nova in 1970 and has been assigned a morphological type of IB(s)m (French, 58). Lastly, NGC 4571 is a SA(r)c-type galaxy which rests on 28†² southeast of M91 and appears roundish with a small brighter core. All of these galaxies rests on the core of the Virgo cluster and are some of the reasons why heavens are sparkling with amazements.  The article summarized above relates to the Astronomy Course Content in terms of studying how far the stars or galaxies are, description of stellar nurseries, and exploring other galaxies aside from the Milky Way. One would have noticed that distances were stated in the article.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

About Type 2 Diabetes Essay Example for Free

About Type 2 Diabetes Essay Around 2.6 million people in the UK have been diagnosed with diabetes. About nine in 10 of these people have type 2 diabetes. It usually affects people over the age of 40, but can develop at any age. People of African-Caribbean or South Asian origin are more likely to develop type 2 diabetes. It usually affects them earlier in life, from about the age of 25. Type 2 diabetes is becoming more common, particularly in children. Type 2 diabetes develops when your body can’t produce enough insulin or if your body doesn’t respond to insulin as it should. Insulin regulates the level of glucose in your blood. Glucose is a simple form of sugar found in foods and sugary drinks. It’s absorbed by your body as a natural part of digestion and is carried around your body in your blood. When glucose reaches your body tissues, such as muscle cells, its absorbed and converted into energy. Insulin is secreted into your blood by your pancreas, which is a gland located behind your stomach. If your cells dont respond properly to insulin, it can cause glucose to build up in your blood. This is called insulin resistance. If this happens, your pancreas needs to produce more and more insulin to overcome the resistance and control your blood glucose levels. Types of diabetes There are two main types of diabetes: type 1 and type 2. There are about two million people in the UK who have diabetes. Type 2 diabetes is the common form, affecting nine out of every 10 people with diabetes. Symptoms of type 2 diabetes Many people with type 2 diabetes have no obvious symptoms. Its often discovered during a routine medical check-up with your GP.If you do have symptoms of type 2 diabetes, you may: †¢pass more urine than usual See more: My Writing Process Essay †¢be constantly thirsty †¢have unexplained weight loss †¢be extremely tired †¢have blurred vision †¢have itchy skin around your genitals or get regular infections, such as thrush †¢notice that wounds such as cuts heal slowly If you have any of these symptoms, see your GP. nitially, some people find they don’t have any symptoms. So if you think you may be at risk of type 2 diabetes, speak to your GP about having a screening blood test.  Complications of type 2 diabetes If type 2 diabetes isn’t diagnosed or controlled properly, you can develop blood glucose levels that are either too high (hyperglycaemia) or too low (hypoglycaemia). Hyperglycaemia If type 2 diabetes is poorly controlled or you get an infection, glucose can build up in your blood and rise to high levels. This can cause you to: †¢be thirsty †¢pass urine excessively †¢have blurred vision †¢feel tired Very rarely, if you become dehydrated and your blood glucose rises to very high levels, you can develop a condition called hyperosmolar hyperglycaemic state. This can cause you to become drowsy and potentially unconscious. Hyperosmolar hyperglycaemic state is a medical emergency and needs to be treated in hospital. In the long-term, uncontrolled high blood glucose levels can increase your risk of: †¢kidney failure †¢blindness †¢nerve damage †¢heart disease †¢stroke Hypoglycaemia Sometimes, if your medication is too strong or you miss a meal, your blood glucose levels can become too low (hypoglycaemia). This only happens if you’re taking certain medicines such as gliclazide (or others of the same type), repaglinide or insulin (of any type). If your blood glucose is low, you may go pale, feel sweaty and become confused. If you develop hypoglycaemia, it’s important to eat or drink something containing glucose, for example fruit juice or some sweets. Causes of type 2 diabetes There are several risk factors that make you more likely to develop type 2 diabetes, including if you: †¢are overweight or obese – in particular, if you’re an apple shape with lots of fat around your abdomen (tummy) †¢have a close family member with the condition †¢are of African-Caribbean or South-Asian origin †¢are over 40 – your risk increases with age †¢have high blood pressure or have had a heart attack or stroke †¢don’t exercise regularly †¢have severe mental health problems †¢are a woman and have polycystic ovary syndrome and are overweight †¢are a woman and have had diabetes that developed during pregnancy (gestational diabetes) If you have a condition such as impaired glucose tolerance or impaired fasting glycaemia, this means the level of glucose in your blood is naturally higher than normal and you’re more likely to develop type 2 diabetes. Diagnosis of type 2 diabetes Your GP will ask about your symptoms and examine you. He or she may also ask about your medical history. You may need to have some of the following tests. †¢Urine test. You will need to give a sample to be tested for glucose. †¢Fasting blood glucose test. You will have a sample of blood taken from your arm to test for glucose. You will need to fast overnight before having this test. You may have this with a glycosylated haemoglobin (HbA1C) test. HbA1C is a protein that is produced when you have high blood glucose levels over a long period of time. †¢Glucose tolerance test. This may be needed if your fasting blood glucose test is borderline. It measures how your blood glucose level changes over time after you have a sugary drink. You will need to fast overnight before having this test. Treatment of type 2 diabetes There isnt a cure for type 2 diabetes but it can be controlled. Some people can control their condition with lifestyle changes alone. Others need to take medicines or use insulin injections. Self-help By making the following lifestyle changes, you can help control your blood glucose levels. †¢Eat a healthy balanced diet with regular meals, three times a day. Include carbohydrates, such as pasta or potatoes in each meal. †¢Aim to do 150 minutes of moderate exercise over a week in bouts of 10 minutes or more. This will help you to stay a healthy weight and control your blood glucose levels. †¢Only drink alcohol in moderation and stick within the recommended limits. †¢If you smoke, give up. Smoking is unhealthy for everyone, but its especially important to stop if you have diabetes because you already have an increased risk of developing circulatory problems and cardiovascular  disease. Oral medicines If lifestyle changes alone don’t keep your blood glucose levels under control, you may be prescribed medicines. Some examples are listed below. †¢Metformin works by reducing the amount of glucose that gets released into your bloodstream from your liver. It also improves the way glucose is used by your muscles. †¢Gliclazide, glipizide, glimepiride and tolbutamide help your pancreas to produce more insulin. †¢Repaglinide and nateglinide also help your pancreas to produce more insulin, but work more quickly and last for a shorter time. †¢Acarbose lowers your blood glucose by slowing down the rate at which some carbohydrates are absorbed by your body. †¢Pioglitazone reduces your bodys resistance to insulin. †¢Sitagliptin, saxagliptin and vildagliptin help your body to produce more insulin at mealtimes. These medicines are usually taken between one and three times a day. Injections You may be prescribed other medicines such as exenatide or liraglutide. These medicines are given by injection and work by helping your body to make more insulin when it’s needed. They can also reduce your appetite and help you lose weight. If lifestyle changes and medicines can’t keep your blood glucose levels under control, you may need to have insulin injections as well as, or instead of, tablets. You will usually inject yourself with insulin once or twice a day, using either a small needle or a pen-type syringe with replaceable cartridges. There are several different types of insulin that work at different rates and for different lengths of time. Ask your GP for advice on which type is best for you. If you have insulin injections, you will need to monitor your blood glucose levels with a home test kit. This involves taking a pinprick of blood from your finger and putting a drop on a testing strip. A meter will read the result automatically. Your GP or diabetes specialist nurse will show you how to monitor your blood glucose levels and tell you how often you need to check it. Monitoring your blood glucose level You may also need to have your levels of HbA1C tested at least twice a year. The test is done by taking blood from a vein in your arm or sometimes a drop of blood from a fingerprick. It’s used to see how well you’re controlling your blood sugar  levels.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Discount stores and the difference between variety stores

Discount stores and the difference between variety stores A  discount store  is a type of  store, which sells products at  prices  lower than those asked by most of the retail outlets. Most of the discount department stores offer a wide variety of products; other stores specialize in merchandise such as electronic equipment, or electrical appliances.  Discount stores are not a type of  variety stores, which sell goods at a single price-point or may be multiples thereof. Discount stores are different from variety stores in that they do sell many name-brand products because of its wide price range of the items offered. Discount stores are very popular in the  United States  than any other countries. In the beginning, number of retail establishments in the U.S. started pursuing a very high-volume, low-profit-margin strategy designed to entice price-conscious consumers. Currently  Wal-Mart, the largest retailer in the world, operates more than 1,300 discount stores in the U.S.   Wal-Marts top competitors are target and K-mart. Porter states that The root of any problem lies in lack of distinguishing between strategy and operation effectiveness The race for productivity, quality and speed has resulted in management tools and techniques, TQM benchmarking, time-based competition, outsourcing, reengineering as well as change management.   In any organization, strategic management is the key to success. There are many theories based on the assumption that without a valid strategy and planning, its difficult for any industry to survive irrespective of the size it have. It is very necessary to understand here that all of the major corporate organizations have finally established themselves, thanks to superior planning of strategies and its implementation. Retail Industry: The retail industry is becoming a news everywhere with not only the traditional industries incrementing their outlets but some major corporate industries also entering into this industry like Fresh @ Reliance of Reliance  Industries and more of Aditya Birla Group in India. Strategic decisions are the decisions that are aimed at differentiating the organization from its competitors in any way that is sustainable and profitable in the future. Porter strongly advocates in the theory that that decisions in business can be simply classified as strategic if they involve some of the innovation and difference that resulted in sustainable advantage.  According to Patrick Hayden about the retailing industry, it adopted the style of discount retailing on its merchandise after the World War 2. It is learnt that discounting in retail was not any strategy at the time Kmart, Target and Wal-Mart first started their business.   Wal mart: Wal mart is known as the giant in retail industry. It has survived for very long and is still a huge enterprise in the world which use to deal with almost every product, apparel, etc.Sam Walton, started a company and with time became leader in discount retailing. It is largest company in the history of world.  Wal-Mart executives continue to follow many of the philosophies that Sams legacy left behind, while simultaneously keeping one step ahead of the ever-changing technology and methods of todays fast-paced business environment Wal-Mart became successful because of its good Strategy as well as good Strategy Implementation. In 1962, Sam Walton opened the first Wal-Mart store in Rogers, Arkansas. At that time, no one could have predicted the enormous success of Wal mart. Sam Waltons talent and discount retailing made Wal-Mart the worlds largest retailer, as well as, the worlds best retailer in sales. Philosophy for a successful company not only sound strategic management decisions are required, but also innovative implementation of those strategic decisions is necessary. Wal-mart business model: It offers cheap prices than its competitors and differ with them in frugal culture, no regional offices pleasant environment to work. Lots of visits are made by the management and the point to be noted is there are no rehearsals before any meeting and meeting are scheduled mostly on Saturday. In every organization, human resource is the key for its development and in Wal-Mart efficient management of its sources is done. Wal-Mart terms its employees as associates. Compensation for managers are linked to the profit of store operated by them, within promotions, compensation offered to associates depends on companys profits they make and they are also offered some incentives on their performances. Wal-Marts workforce is not unionized and the company takes all the measures and advantages for their benefits. They provide their workforce with training on related issues. Technology plays vital role in development of the organization Wal-Mart is well equipped with technological innovations like store performance tracking, POS, real time market  research, satellite system UPC. Wal-Mart followed procurement measures like hard-nosed negotiations, partnerships with some of the vendors, planning packets, centralized and simplified buying, etc. helps at large the cause of which provides the goods services on cheap prices to the customers. The margin of profit for Wal-Mart was very high, the factors are their inbound  logistics  with frequent replenishment, highly technology driven business model, pick to flight, EDI, hub and spoke system. The strategy of operation by wal mart is innovative and highly creative with big stores in small towns, as they got monopoly in the market at comparatively low rental costs, concentric and efficient expansion, based on local prices, merchandising in their brand name, private labels of the area, store within store, much little space for inventory, etc. In relation to marketing and sales, merchandising was tailored from locals ,they spent less on advertising and the prices were fixed low and it uniquely depends on the store manager and he was the one who fixed the latitude of pricing. If we combine all the above factors together, the margin of profits was increased through bulk sales and further which also boosted the confidence of the customers by providing them various services like point of sale information system which was a new technology driven and the most unique everyday low prices. Strategies used : Wal-Mart made strategic and tactic attempts in its formulation or procedure to dominate the retail market where it is having its presence, experiencing growth by expansion in the US. Internationally, wal mart created widespread name recognition and it focused on high customer satisfaction in relation to its brand name and branched itself by doing mergers and acquisions to new profitable new sectors of retailing. The strategies called Generic strategies consisting of Focus Strategy, where focusing to the niche market is the main objective, the Differentiation Strategy where product differentiation is done and finally the overall cost leadership are adopted by the retail company wal-mart. Any organizations thrive hard to become successful for which it mostly needs to have better resources and superior capabilities. Wal-Mart retail company operates on low price strategy where prices are low and operated as every day low prices (EDLP) which builds efficient trust among the customers. The strategy follows purchasing the product at lower prices and selling the product to customer at much lower prices, price cutting is done as far as possible and increases its profit by increasing the number of sales. Discount retailing strategy by Wal-mart Price spin: According to Porter, operational effectiveness of the strategy and efficiency are the basic key elements for the success of any organization. A company can easily outperform its competitors in the market with its superior management real efficient control hence creating a difference from the others(its competitors) which eventually results into enticing customers. Porter defines operational effectiveness in strategy as performance of similar kind of activities as its rivals but difference in its betterment than them Wal-Mart is an expert in changing and manipulating perceptions. It is actually termed that low price in retailing is not the strategy of Wal-Mart but still the advertisement manipulates the perceptions of the customer by making them think and perceive that its prices are in actual lower than others ( its competitors )price using price spin. Wal-Mart by manipulating makes the consumer stick and addicted coming to its retail store making them convinced that the prices are actually lower than in other stores (its competitors) by selling itself cheaper by advertising that we have lower prices than anyone else and placing a opening price point. The opening price point is the lowest price in the store which is kept at high visibility which makes consumer believes that the products in this store are really cheaper. The SWOT analysis of the retail company Wal-Mart clearly reveals that it is the most powerful retail brand, has reputation for money, value, commitment it provides a wide range of products. It is growing incremnetly at a brisk pace along with expanding its horizon to other parts of the world through various acquisition and merger.  Sustainability at the top place is a very important job that makes the managers strive hard to frame the policies, future intentuions and strategy to compete confidently with its rivals in the market. Imitation, Substitution and Hold-up are some of the threats to any organization in the retail industry.  Imitation increments profits by incrementing the supply. But imitation mostly puts reputation and relationship at stake. The report by James Hall states that Wal-Mart is planning to open some convenience stores as Tesco its competitor has already started and operating in US now known as Fresh Easy Neighborhood Markets.  Such tactics and strategies will create mixed and variable responses among the consumers while demolishing the reputation of the leader in the market. Substitution is the strategy that reduces the demand for what any firm uniquely provides by shifting its demand elsewhere due to changes and alterations in technology. The threats in the case of substitution can be subtle unexpected like we can say diminishing expenses through video conferencing and some other means instead of air flights to be made for long distance meetings with the managers of other stores, etc. Therefore, substitution is a very effective way of attacking dominant and strong rivals in the market. Substitution offers various mixed responses after identifying and understanding the market threats. The organization should fight hard to the threat can go for merging with them, and also can go for switching to different options and alternatives of substitution to be in the market. Hold-up basically diverts the value to customers, its suppliers or complementary partners who have some bargaining leverage or abilities which results in very tough negotiations, contractual agreements as well as can be vertical integration. Wal-Mart is expanding its boundaries by way of acquisition and mergers also. Thus Wal-Mart retail company with such a vast and huge network of stores and alliances as compared its competitors ASDA, Target and many other stores is very well protected enough to sustain and continue its top position in the retail industry.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Strengthen the Separation between Church and State Essay -- Argumentat

Strengthen the Separation between Church and State First Amendment issues of the separation of church and state and state establishment of religion have long been litigated in the federal courts. Until recently, the Supreme Court had a consistent track record of preventing the intermingling of religion and government, especially when it came to the nation's public schools. Yet this past year, a newly activist conservative court has set about rewriting some of the Warren Court's judicial legacy. In the 1995 case of Rosenberger v. University of Virginia, the Supreme Court, in a 5-4 ruling, declared that the University of Virginia was constitutionally required to subsidize a student religious magazine on the same basis as secular publications and activities. This decision opens the door to greater government financial support for religious organizations. Groups like the Christian Coalition and the American Center for Law and Justice, the legal wing of Pat Robertson's financial empire, saw this narrow decision as a victory for their agen da of weaving together government and religion, thus tearing down the wall of separation between church and state, To justify their pursuits, they site the need for moral leadership in this country, which many view as ethically and morally rudderless. Yet Ralph Reed, Pat Robertson, the Christian Coalition, and other similarly thinking individuals and groups are promoting an agenda more far reaching than their mainstream supporters have in mind. The move to infuse government with a greater religious presence has almost nothing to do with instilling traditional values and morality, and almost everything to do establishing Christianity, specifically evangelical Christianity, as the state religion. ... ... such unions. The United States has the highest level of religious involvement in the western world precisely because we have no state religion, as most nations in Europe do. In that region, state-sponsored churches are moribund, and religious enthusiasm is lackluster. America has a vast diversity of religious viewpoints because the spiritual aspect of people's lives is free from the intrusive tentacles of Uncle Sam. If it were not for our separation of church and state, odds are the evangelical faiths that gave rise to the Christian Coalition never would have existed. Therefore, Ralph Reed and Pat Robertson are destroying the agent of their own creation. They would never want socialized medicine, yet they are trying to implement socialized religion. But if you don't want government meddling with your body, why would you want government interfering with your soul.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Brief History and Introduction of Privacy and Human Rights Essay

Brief History and Introduction of Privacy and Human Rights From Article 21 of the Japan Constitution states, â€Å"Freedom of assembly and association as well as speech, press and all other forms of expression are guaranteed. No censorship shall be maintained, nor shall the secrecy of any means of communication be violated.† Article 35 states, â€Å"The right of all persons to be secure in their homes, papers and effects against entries, searches and seizures shall not be impaired except upon warrant issued for adequate cause and particularly describing the place to be searched and things to be seized . . . Each search or seizure shall be made upon separate warrant issued by a competent judicial officer.†1 A 1988 Act for the Protection of Computer Processed Personal Data Held by Administrative Organs governs the use of personal information in computerized files held by government agencies. It imposes duties of security, access, and correction. Agencies must limit their collection to relevant information and publish a public notice listing their file systems. The Japanese government has followed a policy of self-regulation for the private sector, especially relating to electronic commerce. Essentially, there were no set privacy laws other than the general issues stated in the constitution, but when needed the Japanese government will intervene and regulate. In June of 1998, former Prime Minister Ryutaro Hashimoto announced that he had signed an agreement with U.S. President Clinton for self-regulation for privacy measures on the Internet except for certain sensitive data. â€Å"If data in a certain industry is highly confidential, legal methods can be considered for that industry.†2 Several committees have been ... ...s not safe. We need to take more time.†4 References 1 Constitution of Japan, November 3, 1946. 2 U.S. Japan Joint Statement on Electronic Commerce, May 15, 1998. 3 Japan: More Crime, Less Privacy, 2 Jun 1999, 4 James Brooke, Japan in an Uproar as 'Big Brother' Computer File Kicks In, 5 Aug. 2002, 5 Lies and Secrets: Japan's National ID Network Has Gone Live Already, 31 Jul. 2002, 6 Japan ID System Raises Big Brother Fears, 5 Aug. 2002,

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Hurricane Katrina Essay -- Natural Disaster, FEMA

Introduction The initial response or lack thereof, to the widespread disaster in the Gulf Coast, caused by Hurricane Katrina, demonstrated high levels of incompetence and disorganization by government officials. Images of desperate individuals awaiting rescue on their rooftops, and masses of people packed together in deplorable conditions in the Super Dome, circulated the globe. There was no hiding from the painful reality and the obvious inaction or inability of those responsible to care for these individual in the wake of this catastrophe. (12, 791) Although a considerable amount of the blame has been placed at the feet of FEMA, it should be understood that multiple factors contributed to the situation in New Orleans. Some sections of the levees had been poorly constructed, and were not properly maintained. Local agencies failed to adequately plan and prepare of such an event. Local officials waited too long to order an evacuation, and did not consider how to assist those citizens who lacked the financial resources evacuate on their own. (1,24) FEMA HISTORY Federal intervention in the aftermath of natural disasters began after the San Francisco earthquake in 1906. This 8.3 magnitude earthquake killed 478, and left over 250,000 homeless. While the disaster itself was obviously unavoidable, the subsequent fires that burned throughout the city were a result of poor planning. (1, 17) In an effort to consolidate existing programs, and to improve the nation’s level of preparedness, President Carter created FEMA in 1979. Initially, FEMA was praised for improving communication between various levels of government, and multiple agencies during a crisis. (1,19) As part of the reorganization of the federal government in response to t... ...ed individuals to pay for services, perhaps as an extension of the Medicare program. Those survivors, who have suffered a high level of mental or physical trauma, and those who suffer from preexisting conditions, should be identified and considered for expedited care. (2, 425) Mobile health care unity could be utilized in semi-permanent housing developments, such as the trailer parks created in the wake of the Katrina disaster. (2, 425) Legislative barriers to obtaining mental health services need to be removed. Addressing the mental health needs of the survivors is increasingly being recognized as an integral part of emergency management worldwide. Failing to properly address these needs may compromise the recovery of the affected populations, and these individuals are likely to become dependent on state and federal aid. (2, 246)

Monday, September 16, 2019

Bullwhip Effect in Supply Chain

Supply Chain Class Module 2, Lesson 3 Question #1 Develop a small group consensus on the impact (increases, decreases, no effect) of the Bullwhip Effect on two of the following six supply chain performance measures: manufacturing cost, inventory cost, replenishment lead time, transportation cost, shipping and receiving cost, level of product availability profitability. One of the two measures that your team chooses must be inventory cost. For inventory costs, be certain to be specific about the kinds of inventory costs impacted (in-storage cycle stock carrying costs, ordering costs, stockout costs, or safety stock carrying costs).Clearly explain your group’s reasoning or rationale for the impact you have agreed to; that is carefully explain why the bullwhip effect either increases, decreases of has no effect on the given performance measure. In each of your explanations, drill down into the factors that drive each measure, explaining how those factors are affected by the Bullw hip effect. MANUFACTURING COSTS It is the consensus of Team 10 that the bullwhip effect increases costs associated with the manufacturing of products.We know that the bullwhip effect results in an amplification of the variation of product and material demand as one travels upstream in the supply chain from consumer to material suppliers. In most cases the manufacturer of products will be removed from the actual consumer by multiple layers in the supply chain. The variation in demand (variation in orders) that the manufacturer will experience will be significantly greater than the variation in demand from the actual consumers. There are several costs incurred in the manufacturing of products. Among these costs are direct material costs, direct labor costs and overhead costs.The increased variability in quantity of products demanded from the manufacturer has an impact on each of these items. For most manufactured products, the cost of materials is a significant portion of the cost of the end item. As the demand for products varies from the manufacturer, these swings in demand are amplified and passed on to the material suppliers and various other sub-suppliers. During periods of high demand, the manufacturer is more likely to be forced to pay the material suppliers and sub-suppliers additional fees to expedite shipments.During periods of low demand, the manufacturer is more likely to find itself with a huge stock of unused material on hand. These variations also make it more difficult to negotiate competitive prices with the suppliers, further adding to the cost of the bullwhip effect. In an effort to protect against some of this variation, manufacturers will often stockpile materials, adding further warehousing and capital costs. Labor costs are another key component of the total cost of most products, including products which may be manufactured offshore in low-wage countries.In periods of extremely high demand, manufacturers are faced with an option of either hiring more employees or working their existing employee’s longer hours and paying overtime. Most companies are extremely reluctant to hire additional workers, particularly if they have reason to believe that the spike in demand will only be temporary. As a result, companies will typically choose to work longer hours and pay overtime wages to their employees. Paying overtime is costly, not only from a wage standpoint but also from an effectiveness standpoint.Employees are not robots, and diminishing marginal return should be expected when working employees longer hours. As hours go up, productivity typically declines at a rate that increases as the severity of the work schedule increases. The result is an increasing cost per unit of the products produced. Likewise, when product demand is extremely low, employees are not able to be utilized as effectively and labor cost per unit also increases. Further, there are the overhead costs which are affected by the variation in deman d amplified by the bullwhip effect.When manufacturers create facilities and purchase processing equipment, they often â€Å"size† their operations based upon what they believe will be the highest levels of demand for their products. When demand for products varies greatly, the frequent result is that the processes, equipment and facilities are excessively large (and costly) compared to what the â€Å"legitimate† demand might actually require. This results not only in excessive costs to set up these operations, but it also can create a scenario where it becomes difficult to operate these facilities efficiently when the production requirements are lower.Another element for consideration is the â€Å"cost of quality. † Manufacturing operations thrive on consistency. When manufacturers have to contend with wildly-varying production schedules, there is an increase in the â€Å"state of flux† in the operations. This can take the form of delayed maintenance on m achines, fatigued workers, using alternate suppliers for materials, etc. All of these elements that are exacerbated by large swings in production schedule can contribute to higher scrap rates, manufacturing errors, equipment downtime and, potentially, product defects that reach the consumer.INVENTORY COSTS Demand variability amplification can have a significant impact on increasing inventory costs. Business Dictionary. com defines inventory costs as the cost of holding goods in stock. Expressed usually as a percentage of the inventory value, it includes capital, warehousing, depreciation, insurance, taxation, obsolescence, and shrinkage costs. Typically, the inventory costs increase due to excessive or obsolete inventory as a result of poor demand forecasting. This situation is clearly defined in an article about Cisco’s need to write-off $2. billion in inventory in 2001. However, one must dive deeper into specific inventory performance measures to better understand the effec ts of the bullwhip effect on inventory costs. Safety Stock Safety stock can be defined as inventory held as buffer against mismatch between forecasted and actual consumption or demand, between expected and actual delivery time, and unforeseen emergencies. From a positive standpoint, safety stock can help to potentially reduce stock out situations however is also contributes to the bullwhip effect.Specifically with demand forecast updating using exponential smoothing, ordering of safety stock will create larger swings for suppliers and even move for orders placed to the manufacturer (Lee, p 95). Furthermore, poorly ordered safety stock that becomes excess or obsolete can lead to increased expense or in a worst-case scenario, written-off or scrapped completely. Stockout Cost Stockout cost, also called shortage cost, is defined as the economic consequences of not being able to meet an internal or external demand from the current inventory. Such costs consist of internal costs (delays, labor time wastage, lost production, etc. and external costs (loss of profit from lost sales, and loss of future profit due to loss of goodwill). One cause of stockout cost can be attributed to poorly updated demand forecast where the appropriate amount of inventory was not planned for the current demand. This is in contrast to the safety stock example which leads to an increase in inventory and excess or obsolete material. Another cause is rationing and shortage gaming where the demand for the product exceeded the supply (Lee, p97). The stockout cost is the expense of the lost sales or the potential of losing the customer loyalty completely to a fierce competitor.Module 2, Lesson 3 Question #2 At the end of the article â€Å"Bullwhip Effect in Supply Chains† by Lee, et. al. , is Table 1. In this table Lee presents a number of initiatives, such as vendor-managed inventory, for counteracting the four causes of the Bullwhip Effect. Select one or more of the initiatives and deve lop a small group consensus on a list of the top five impediments to the initiatives that you have selected; five impediments in total, not five impediments for each initiative that you select. Select two impediments and for each impediment please explicitly explain why the impediment is difficult to overcome.Finally in your group’s opinion, which of your impediments is typically the most difficult to overcome? Please explain why. BULLWHIP EFFECT COUNTERMEASURES; EDI, VMI, ECHELON-BASED INVENTORY SYSTEMS There is a range of initiatives to mitigate the effects of the â€Å"bullwhip effect,† or amplified distortions in replenishing orders. Through EDI and vendor –managed inventory (VMI), distortions may be reduced through transparent sharing of real time demand information through the entire supply chain. Demand distortion begins with faulty assumptions underlying future demand projections.One counter-measure for this challenge is real time exchange of information and increased transparency at point of sale. Many retailers use data generated at point of sale to automatically adjust their inventories and trigger reorder as inventories are depleted. Simultaneous transmission of this data to the supplier would facilitate a clearer view of consumption and retail inventory. Point of sale EDI shared across the supply chain from the manufacturer to retail outlet, would smooth the orders and prevent demand distortion that occurs with regression driven forecasts.Increased control of the total inventory can be achieved with echelon inventory management, through cooperative information sharing and a jointly agreed upon single point of inventory control. One model for this is vendor-managed inventory (VMI) which is a continuous replenishment of inventory based upon a push from the supply to the retail outlet based on EDI signals at point of sale and inventory depletion. ECHELON-BASED INVENTORY SYSTEMS Echelon-based inventory systems allow transparency o f the inventory flow of the down-stream levels in the supply chain by the upstream levels.This acts to reduce the bullwhip effect by preventing exaggeration of demand fluctuations by multiple levels in the chain. This is a useful policy, but it can be difficult to implement. First, one must consider the integrity of the source of the information. If an upstream member of the chain intends to rely on reports generated by the downstream member, trust must be a mutual component of the relationship. The downstream company may feel that it doesn’t want to share the information about their own inventory and/or demand, especially if it engages (or has any intention of engaging) in a practice of shortage gaming.Some elements of the shared data can be filtered, if this is found to be helpful to the downstream member. If the downstream member engages in price hedging or shortage gaming, the increased transparency to the upstream member would inhibit or completely prevent the downstream company from harnessing the perceived buffer that the practice enables. Some elements of the shared data can be filtered, if mutually agreeable to all members of the supply chain. Through non-disclosure agreements and data parsing, streams of proprietary data can be â€Å"cleansed† to be less sensitive.Connectivity of various operating systems is another hurdle. Many suppliers and retailers will not allow â€Å"direct feed† of data into their core operating systems, requiring a data merge in a safe environment that then can share data between the operating systems of the companies exchanging data. The work of scrubbing data and developing the necessary connectivity also requires IT resources. One must also consider the utility of information that is constantly changing. The value of inventory data to the upstream member could be limited as it changes continuously and obsolesces almost as soon as it’s generated.The upstream member must always be willing to loose ly interpret the inventory and demand data since an unusually large order, or an unusual decline in orders, could occur at any time. Also, downstream members’ transparency leads the upstream member to increase the frequency with which they update their demand forecasting. Frequently updating these forecasts is itself a bullwhip effect-exacerbating practice, so the upstream member would need to exercise discretion in its policies on how it reacts to the information that it receives from downstream.Implementation of these initiatives requires addressing and overcoming certain impediments:   Trust between supply chain partners or perceived competitive risk Data integrity challenges with changing/obsolete data Reduced downstream gaming ability (shortage and price hedge forward buying) Information technology resources to facilitate connectivity Increased frequency of upstream re-forecast due to downstream transparency The two most difficult impediments are the first two; trust a mongst supply chain partners, and the challenges of sharing meaningful data.Trust – Perceived Competitive Risk The challenge with establishing trust amongst supply chain partners is one of competitive risk. The real time data on point of sale, inventories held, or pricing activities engaged are all considered proprietary. The sharing of that data requires trust through the entire supply chain, and a willingness to incur significant legal, technological, and analytical resources to develop and deliver data that is accurate and meaningful.Lack of transparency and trust on the part of down stream members is the primary driver of the shortage and price gaming, to build inventories and prevent stock-outs or hedge for future price increases. In order to share transparent information through the supply chain, legal and technological hurdles must be addressed to reduce competitive risk, and allow necessary trust through protective agreements (NDA) and safe systems connectivity. Throu gh non-disclosure agreements and data parsing streams of proprietary data can be â€Å"cleansed† to be less sensitive and reduced competitive risk. ) Data Integrity – Changing and Obsolete Information The real time exchange of information supports accurate forecasts and timely order replenishment only if that data is meaningful. Data is meaningful if it clearly conveys the supply/demand picture. Upstream suppliers must be able to see the sale/demand data and existing inventory data in real time in order to push order replenishment. If downstream members obscure the inventories to retain shortage gaming power, this will impact the accuracy of the inventory replenishment trigger to the upstream supplier.Connected systems are susceptible to cross-system failures. Errant data in one system pollutes the forecast assumptions of the connected systems. Cadence of exchange, or timing of the data flows is a factor in relevance. If sales or order cancellations have changed invent ories significantly since the last update, the information exchanged can be obsolete. The â€Å"bullwhip effect† is culmination of iterative forecast variations, and self-protecting defensive actions on the part of supply chain members to hedge uncertainty. With increased trust and transparency, the forecast variations and uncertainty can be reduced.With collaboration through the entire supply chain, trust can be built, real time, meaningful data exchanged, and the cost of surplus inventories taken out of the chain. ——————————————– [ 1 ]. Comments on Information Distortion in a Supply Chain: The Bullwhip Effect† by Lee, H. L. Padmanabhan, V. and Whang, S. , p 1888 [ 2 ]. http://www. businessdictionary. com/definition/safety-stock. html#ixzz286djGuPB). [ 3 ]. http://www. businessdictionary. com/definition/stockout-costs. html#ixzz286iDNySD

I Am From

I'm from â€Å"Let's eat! † and â€Å"Man I sure am stuffed† Cheesy chicken spaghetti and rich death by chocolate. Burned bacon and slimy squash given to the dog to avoid eating. I'm from pineapple cheese pizza with caramelized pineapples atop And creamy chicken Alfredo with delicious golden strands of pasta. I'm from nana's homemade brownies and double chocolate chip cookies Stirred slowly and mixed with a â€Å"secret† recipe and baked with ark chocolate shavings For special occasions such as 4th of July parties and birthdays.FAMILY/MUSIC I'm from a song shared with Shelby. Air Guitar is our main profession. Driving in circles with the windows down Just to find the perfect song to live to Until we were pulled over for screaming the lyrics to We Can't Stop. I'm from Mac Miller blaring through my headphones and car speakers. I'm from Linkin Park. The Lumineers A Day to Remember And always: Maroon 5. Until I grew older and closer to God, and discovered TobyMac.I'm from a brown playful puggle we named Slade; Being lazy and sleeping on any soft surface in 2003. I'm from Alice, the playful powerful puppy. And Daisy our loveable Boston terrier Who chewed up all my socks with her sharp puppy teeth. And unfortunately had to be put down when my step brother was born.I'm from drinking hazelnut coffee beside Shelby on my front porch. Or near the sounds of the waterfall from the creek behind her house. I'm from Heather Hannel in Columbus, Ohio where horses run wild.Silly laughs and precious secrets shared between us. Heathers kindness and guidance Help me through life. I'm trom dreaming And living And my red 2001 Chevy Cavalier. I'm from The Voice And the Carroll family. I'm from wishing and playing and working at ArbVs. Like making roast beef sandwiches. And working with my best friend, Shelby. I'm from stormy Forks, Washington Beautiful Paris, Extravagant England, Exhilarating Disney World. I'm from here. Now. Face-timing my friend and typing my poe m.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Should the Right to Assisted Suicide be Legal?

Persuasive Essay Should terminally ill patients have the right to doctor-assisted seclude? The right to assisted suicide Is an Important topic that concerns people all around the e united States. Debates go back and forth on whether or not a dying patient should continue to suffer or die to relieve all that pain. I think assisted seclude should be legal, because what If the person wants it, what if it makes them shriek from the pain.It's their body and they c loud do whatever they want to it and we can't control that. Terminal patients should be given the right to assisted suicide in order to end their suffering and pain, give them an option to De termini their own life and what they want to do with it, and it reduces financial problems of h capital care on their families. First off terminally ill patients have the fight to doctor assisted suicide because it can end their suffering and pain.Imagine being in a hospital for a long time, getting treatments, take inning medicine, and Jus t feeling like crap. The doctor says you don't have much time to live, wouldn't you Just want to end all the pain quicker? This spring, arrear old, Brittany Maynard learned that she had terminal brain cancer. After careful assessment of her prognosis s and ended life choices, she and her family reluctantly decided to move from their San Francisco Bay Area home to Oregon, that authorize death with dignity.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Bias in Abstinence-Only Education Essay

In addition to being an ineffective deterrent to unwanted pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases, abstinence only education prevents young women from making well informed decisions about their sexuality.   Cases of teen pregnancy and STD/HIV infections is on the rise despite the government allocating funds for abstinence only programs.   This paper seeks to look at the government policies with regard to abstinence-only education programs and its relationship with unwanted pregnancies. It is a known fact that sexual abstinence is being practiced in all countries in the world as a sure way of preventing sexually transmitted diseases and pregnancy.   Men and women of all ages who are not ready to accept the risks that accompany sexual activity embrace abstinence which is a normal and acceptable practice.   As a way of expressing love, affection and tenderness, majority resort to intercourse and sexual activity. Sex is also being used by couples to strengthen their relationships.   However, it has often been argued that using sex to cement relationships can distort one’s judgment.   Among women, having sex may strengthen the feeling of love but do not actually cement or deepen the relationship. Exploring sexual behavior within an environment of deep commitment where having children is considered as a possibility is always rewarding.   Majority of people are however not prepared for commitment hence opt for abstinence until they develop a stable relationship. Abstinence is 100% effective in protecting an individual from sexually transmitted.   However, if the majority of the population could realize its effectiveness, then we would not be having such headlines like the ones we have seen in the past of teen births being on the rise.   However, abstinence is not an easy practice considering how strong sexual drives are among humans. The rate of teen births steadily declined since 1991 and this could have been because of the intensive educational campaigns that were initiated during that period.   These campaigns included encouraging people to use contraceptives and condoms and enlightening people on the risks of Aids and sexually transmitted diseases.   However, today statistics now show an increase by 3% in teen births the first time ever in 14 years. (Wilson, Kelly, Patricia,2005) Is it that the sex education programs that the government adopted are no longer working? The government has tried to show some effort in curbing STDs and unwanted pregnancies. The first federal abstinence-only program was enacted in 1981 and this was designed primarily to support pregnant and parenting teenagers.   This came through the adolescent Family Life Act which was also passed the same year. AFLA also funded â€Å"abstinence-only† programs meant to encourage responsibility and self discipline among teenagers (Abstinence Only Programs 2008, p.2). Abstinence-only program’s purpose was to teach the general population and especially the teenagers how they stand to gain from abstinence. It also sought to teach abstinence from pre-marital to all schooling children.   The abstinence-only program was supposed to teach the values of abstinence with regard to unwanted pregnancies and sexually transmitted diseases.   According to this program, the expected standard of human sexual activity revolved around a mutually faithful monogamous relationship.   However, with all these well clarified goals, current scientific research shows that this program is ineffective. A study of ‘abstinence-only-until marriages’ program inferred that the classes fail to serve its goal of delaying the onset of sexual activity the young people.   An evaluation of 11 of these programs showed that they do not have a lasting positive effect on the asexual behavior of young people (Ibid 4).   Instead of a positive effect on the young people they showed a negative willingness to use contraceptive because the program emphasized on contraceptive failure. It has often been reiterated that abstinence-only programs endanger the youths because adolescents are denied complete information.   These programs fail to provide contraception information and in some cases, they have been accused of providing wrong information which may lead to youths forgoing contraceptive use. Teens are exposed to pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases because of lack of responsible sex education.   Only safer sex intervention can reduce unprotected sexual intercourse as compared to abstinence only programs.   The Federal Fund for abstinence -only programs have negatively influenced schools.   Avery good example involves the Gloucester High school in Massachusetts with the summer vacations beginning 17 girls at the school are expecting babies (Kathleen Kingsbury, Wednesday June 18, 2008). This proves further the failure of the program to curb pre-marital pregnancies.   In order to reduce the prevalence of this at the school a local pediatrician advocated for the prescription of contraceptives.   However, this has been met with hostility.   Amazingly it is the desire of these teens to get pregnant and this only proves how distorted their perception towards life is.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Promotion Strategies Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Promotion Strategies - Case Study Example Another important factor which affects the respondent's interest is because their inclination towards performance, it is very common for them to completely neglect the other programs in the general newsletter. Many a time they just have a glance and most of the time the other programs get completely neglected. The general newsletter is perhaps the most effective way of communication; it has been successful in marketing almost anything. All most all the donors recall getting a newsletter and this goes to show that it is very effective. The lapsed donors were unsuccessful and this goes to show that the donations received by Bell aren't quite utilized the way it is meant to be utilized. Bell can undoubtedly improve on its communication, their financial report can be provided to the donors if not on a monthly basis but at least on a quarterly basis. The donors stop contributing towards the organization because of two main reasons, they either run out of money or they lose the desire to help the same organization over and over again. If they run out of money then it is still acceptable because upon recuperating, they will again start helping the organization. If they stop because of lost interest in the organization, then they can be retained by improving the communication system at Bell.

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Reflection about the yellow wallpaper story Essay

Reflection about the yellow wallpaper story - Essay Example The woman is suffering from a condition of nervous depression that significantly affects her social life. When she comes back to the mansion that her husband had bought, she feels that there was something queer about the mansion, which had for so long had no occupants. Her husband who is her doctor confines her in a room upstairs because as he said the treatment the woman required that she engaged in no activity and particularly forbid her from writing and working. All this was done so she could achieve mental wellbeing. Separated from any form of intellectual stimulation and only her journal the woman starts a descent into obsession. The woman gets into a kind of fixation with the yellow wallpaper on the wall, this happens to be the only visual stimulation present within the room and around her confinement. Due to the isolation, the woman begins to perceive that there was another woman attempting to break free who was creeping in the room behind the wallpaper. In a bid to rescue the imprisoned woman, the narrator tears down pieces of the wallpaper to set her free. This story reflects the social norms present in the 19th century where the feminine gender was expected to fulfill duties of being mothers and wives and be content with the dominion of men over them. Women were consequently doomed to spend solely their lives in domestic spheres. Although John can be seen the dominant villain of the story; he is just but a reflection of the society that pushed women to the lowest society level when they tried to enter the masculine

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Biography of Copernicus Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Biography of Copernicus - Research Paper Example After attaining the age of eighteen, Copernicus was sent for further studies in the University of Bologna (Weatherly 47). His uncle had excellent connections not only in Poland, but also in other foreign countries around Europe. This made it easier for him to secure Copernicus’s place at the prestigious University of Bologna. Astronomy was widely considered as one of the most important subjects of study among priests and clerics. Roman Catholics believed that astronomy would enhance the priests’ abilities to forecast the future. Additionally, it was considered as an essential area of knowledge for interpreting events. This ensured that Copernicus gad to study astronomy. While at the University of Bologna, Copernicus also studied mathematics and advanced sciences. It is during his time in Italy that he questioned some heliocentric principles that had been formulated by other scholars. This formed an excellent basis of his research. He learnt a lot from his professor at the university and also applied this knowledge in his research work after moving back to Poland. His findings and theoretical formulations on the heliocentric model were not published until a few days to his death in 1543 (Andronik 69). While his findings had some flaws, they were immensely crucial towards future studies in astronomy and earth sciences at large. The contributions of Copernicus to astronomy are evident in his heliocentric theory. Within the framework of this theory, Copernicus stipulated that the earth revolves around the sun. This is one of the most significant aspects of astronomy. During the 1400s and 1500s, people believed that the earth was the center of the universe. However, the extensive research work of Copernicus was instrumental towards addressing this misconception. At first, this stipulation was considered as highly controversial. However, additional research and studies by other scientists helped in validating

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

GOOGLE GLASS Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

GOOGLE GLASS - Coursework Example Businesses are now conducted online. The target of the distribution plan should be based on the online platforms (Shaw & Onkvisit, 2009). Individuals who have similar or common interest can be identified in the online platform. The targeted group of consumers should be selected in a way that the marketing strategy satisfies a wide range of the needs of the firm and the consumers. The client groups are targeted and identified using a similar interest element. The targeted group should be selected in terms of individuals with similar needs. It is easier to identify such clients, because the lifestyle of the people, demography, and ability of market growth. This is a transparent prove that Google glass has a potential market. Google glass has grown very fast in terms of attracting customers and quality due to their many inventions. They have able to compete with big companies. They manage this due to the strong brand affection they have. They invest more in brand loyalty than marketing making them to be on top of other. They work on how to make the customers prefer by using technology to create different makes of their devices to serve a large population. Google glasses are a combination of vital factors and elements that are required by an organization in order to accomplish a certain objective that marks their achievement. Hospitals require the tool to meet the demands of its clients. Numerous success factors and concepts, and ideas are being witnessed in the stream of the papers, media and other advertisement platforms, but there is still a little evidence tends to prove that the success factors can significantly assist an organization to boosts and propel its performance (Shaw & Onkvisit, 2009). Firms and organizations are trying to explore numerous options so that they may achieve success by attaining their client’s expectations. It is with the idea of innovating Google glass that there is a realization that it can meet the

Monday, September 9, 2019

Employee Re-sourcing & Development Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Employee Re-sourcing & Development - Essay Example Since January Safeway have refocused their activities on managing change and over 120 staff members have participated in these courses to date. Safeway's normal skills training for store staff, launching apprenticeship programmes for butchers, fishmongers and florists. Additionally, 210 bakers completed the craft baking NVQ, while over 7,000 of Safeway's people have now received craft skills and systems training at one of Safeway's three regional training centres. (Beardwell, 2001-58-62) Delivering the best customer service continues to be a high priority. During the year Safeway extended Safeway's Star Service programme to include a new initiative designed to help Safeway become the "friendliest store in town". Safeway's people in stores have been asked to concentrate on "smiling, greeting, helping and thanking" customers every time they have contact with them. High standards are expected and by the end of the year independent monitoring showed that over 90% of Safeway's stores were either meeting or close to meeting all of these targets. (Corbridge, 1998, 78-86) Safeway employs approximately 85,000 people in stores, depots and offices across the UK. Through Safeways employment policy Safeway aim to provide fair treatment for all colleagues, invest in their development, protect their well-being and keep them both informed and involved. In 2004/05 Safeway defined 12 employment and training targets to ensure that these aims were achieved. For example: Safeway encourages open and honest communication through a range of initiatives. Safeway conduct a 6-monthly survey of Safeways colleagues, "Survey for Everyone", which allows every individual to give feedback on their job, their manager, their location, Safeway as a place to work and their perception of the Company's performance. At local level, teams of colleagues are empowered to take action on anything arising from the survey results. Other initiatives such as focus groups and Safeways intranet facility ("Grapevine") are referred to in the Chief Executive's review. Safeway have established a Colleague Council for the Hayes site, with representatives elected from all Head Office divisions. The meetings have opened up a valuable channel for two-way communication with employees to discuss how Safeway can improve the way in which Safeway work together. Such has been their success that Safeway have already begun to roll this out to other areas of the business. Safeway's centralized recruitment centre at Warrington is now fully operational and receives an average of over 11,000 hotline calls per week. Safeway also receive over 800 job applications through Safeways website every week. Safeway have enjoyed ongoing success in working with the Investors in People framework, with several divisions achieving recognition and a significant proportion of Safeways store colleagues working towards accreditation. Storebrand Investment's assessment of 86 retailers worldwide in 2005, which included Safeway in the top 30% "best in class" of its sample. Safeway are pleased with these results and will continue to work with all these

Sunday, September 8, 2019

Quantitative and Qualitative research into the voyeuristic appeal of Paper

Quantitative and Qualitative into the voyeuristic appeal of watching observational reality TV - Research Paper Example Mostly, it is assumed that the audience may not tell the difference between information and entertainment, or reality and fiction in popular factual television. Therefore, in regards of the audience and reality TV it is significant to examine this genre’s development and audience relationships with the popular factual output. Audiences have a different response to the reality shows and teenagers and young youth seem to develop more interest in the observational reality shows. There has been a great amount of open criticism of the observational reality show genre popularity and few articles explain the consumer’s appeal. There are reports that propose that viewers watch this kind of reality entertainment due to aspirational or voyeuristic needs. The reports of the external audience suggest that the television audiences perceive observational reality themselves as being voyeuristic. Hence, it is this voyeurism part that is attractive. Additionally, the Week online magazine (2015) suggest that it is intrinsically fascinating in observing how some individuals behave and speak in pressured situations. As a result, many intellectual people find themselves fixed by The Only Way is Essex and other observational reality shows. Thus, teaching them the aspects of human nature and widening their experience. Charlie King, The Only Way is Essex star was bombarded by scholars with gayism accusation on the reality show and accused of inspiring young people on revealing their sexuality. He openly revealed his true sexuality on the ITV program (2014). IMDB (2015) says that The Only Way is Essex got first aired on 1oth October 2015 and were currently the top rating show on ITVB channel. Adam Croizer (2010), the chief executive of ITV states that the target audience was for 16-34 years old. He added that the objective was to reinforce plans to increase revenue and audience in the Telegraph interview (2015). The informal and content motives of â€Å"The Only

Saturday, September 7, 2019

The role of Contract Manufacturing Service (CMS) Providers in the Term Paper

The role of Contract Manufacturing Service (CMS) Providers in the global manufacturing supply chain - Term Paper Example Broadly, there are two types of CMS, one involving supply with materials and the other involving only labor contract. The growth of CMS has been phenomenal in the recent years due to globalization. In order to preserve the core competency, the companies in the manufacturing sector setting up plants overseas to meet the consumer demand rely heavily on CMS, and the industry has evolved into a major economic force worldwide in the recent years. Factors influencing CMS The factors influencing the decision making process of an organization with reference to contract manufacturing service are multifarious of which, the opportunity cost of capital, marginal efficiency of the capital, benefits of mass production, cost-volume-price relationship, indigenization commitments required to be made in line with the economic policies of the host countries and cost structure in manufacturing versus CMS are the most important ones. The degree of the influence of each factor in the decision making varie s from product to product, industry to industry and the company to company based on the circumstances obtained in each case. These factors are considered very important since they are related to the growth of CMS industry and the competitiveness of the companies utilizing CMS, by tilting the balance towards CMS in manufacturing. A product primarily considered for in-house production might be switched over to CMS at a later stage due to the developments taken place in the intervening period. The CMS is on the growth path and Weber (2002) states â€Å"As OEMs slim down, electronic contract manufacturers have been bulking up. Indeed, these growing companies have become the new heavyweights of production in many industries†. Opportunity Cost â€Å"Cost of using something in a particular venture is the benefit foregone (or opportunity lost) by not using it in its best alternative use†. (Lipsey, R. G. p. 259) If the capital could be deployed in another economic activity inst ead of investment in machineries, buildings or facilities required for the manufacture of the product by offloading through CMS, the company takes the decision based on the opportunity cost of capital for increasing its competitive advantage. Marginal efficiency of the capital The returns expected on different capital investments are compared by the company, and if efficiency in the case of the alternative investment is higher compared to the investment that may be required to be made for manufacturing the product which could have otherwise been off-loaded under CMS, the decision in favor of CMS is taken by the companies. Mass production Economy of mass production is an important feature that many a times tilt the balance towards CMS. The auto manufacturers throughout the world prefer to procure standard components through CMS for cost advantage in view of the benefits of mass production enjoyed by the contractors. Janet (1992) states â€Å"The contract distribution operation has a nd will continue to play an increasingly important and rapidly developing role in the physical distribution scene†. Cost- Volume-Profit Analysis The benefit of volume in operations could be effectively achieved by the contractors and could be leveraged by the companies through CMS. Parasuraman (2000) says â€Å"If a linear relationship could be established among costs, volume and profits, it would help

Friday, September 6, 2019

Misery made me a friend Essay Example for Free

Misery made me a friend Essay It takes an evil person to kill an inocent small boy barely old enough to fend for himself. He was only a young child, he didnt have a chance against a Monster with the strength of twenty grown men. What the Monster did was out of revenge. Revenge is a human nature but is not a good thing. To seek revenge on somebody is a very unrational way of thinking. Two wrongs do not make a right. The Bible even says, if your neighbour hits you in your cheek, turn your face for them to hit you in the other. You should not retaliate. He had watched and learned from the Laceys and knew right from wrong by the time he had first killed. He was an inteligent being, he had the brain of a very knowledgeable proffesor. This was shown in the way he did things. He knew to set up Justine for Willies murder, this would take quick thinking and someone who is on the ball. He knew that the people would look for someone to blame and punish. He did not want them coming in search for him, so when he saw Justine asleep he took his oppertunity. This lets us know he knew how mans laws worked and knew he was doing evil. He also would of known that killing Willie, Elizabeth and setting up Justine, to get her hung, would not correct what Victor did. Another reason which makes the monster unjustified is; he never approached Frankenstien before commiting the murders to try and work out an alternative solution. You could argue that Frankenstien never abandonned the Monster. The Monster ran away. Victor claimed he thought that the monster had died. A more sensible and logical thing to do would of been to talk to Frankenstien first. He could of discussed the issues he had and found out more information. In commiting the murders, he showed a weakness of will. He had choices and elected to kill, this only turned Victor and the rest of mankind against him more. Victor grudgingly put together a female companion for the Monster and backed out before the end. If he approached Victor before killing his younger brother, Victor may of been happy to do it. He may of even been able to make the Monster more attractive or helped him fit in more socially. As he was a very respected man. I feel that the Monster was not justified in his murderous behaviour. I think that he had a lot of difficult situations to get through but things could of been resolved differently. An equimilation of all the things caused the monster to snap and do what he did in my opinion. The reason which makes up my mind is that he didnt try to approach Frankenstein before he lashed out. A lot of a pain could of been avoided that way and in the end, the Monster still didnt get what he wanted. Victor was a very respeced man and came from a respected familly, withhis help i feel the Monster could of eventually been accepted by people: Take The Elephant Man, his story is very similar to the Monsters. He was a man who had a disease causing his ead to be very large and have large tumors all over his body. He was very diformed and ugly. He was always looked at as a freak. He was abused by other humans around him but never had the strength to seek revenge. He was found by a doctor who looked after him and helped him. After a lot of education and confidence building he was eventually accepted into the community. The help of the doctor made The Elephant Man feel wanted and gave him a meaning to his life. He died a happy man. Show preview only The above preview is unformatted text This student written piece of work is one of many that can be found in our GCSE Mary Shelley section.